HOME活動報告 > Disaster Risk Reduction Education for the Indonesian Fishery Trainees in Muroto

Disaster Risk Reduction Education for the Indonesian Fishery Trainees in Muroto

Since 2000, Kochi Government have been accepting the fishery trainees from Indonesia at the Foreign Fisheries Training Center in Muroto Cape Town every year. In this year, there are 58 trainees learning about the Japanese language proficiency, Japanese culture and daily life for three months in the classroom. After that, the new trainees will be trained by the senior fisherman to board the fishery practice on the boat, and receive explanations about the duties from them and learn fisherman's bonito fishing for 3 years. Then, all of trainees will return to Indonesia after completing this fishery training program.

In addition, Muroto is one of area in Kochi Prefecture where big earthquakes shake the land about every 100 to 150 years, with big tsunamis washing the coast away. In between these mega disasters, typhoons also roar through this area almost every year. The awareness of disaster risk reduction is very high among the non-Japanese residents in Muroto. Lectures by the international students of DNGL program at Graduate School of Nursing University of Kochi was held to educate the fishery trainees from Indonesia on the types of natural disasters happen in Japan, emergency supplies for when earthquakes occur and emergency stockpiles for life as an evacuee, and how do to escape safely from tsunami when the fishery trainees at a port or on the sea, as well as the information about the location of evacuation shelters in Muroto, in an easy to understand manner. If the individuals can prepare properly, it will be possible to reduce the most of damage due to disasters.

We understand the importance of community networking based on the correct knowledge on disasters occur in Kochi Prefecture, particularly Nankai Trough Earthquake. Education can save many lives, non-Japanese residents will be able to recognize early signs of typhoon and tsunami, allowing them to make their way out to safety without panic. Based on this understanding, our efforts in disaster risk reduction education for the non-Japanese residents will continue in the future.

(Summarized by Hastoro Dwinantoaji, Yudi Ariesta Chandra, Sushila Paudel)
