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JICA2011年度 研修の概要 Essential Facts

ページID:0000214 更新日:2015年2月1日更新 印刷ページ表示


 JICA2011年度 研修の概要 Essential Facts

1 コース名等 Course Title etc

  1. コース名 Course Title    
    Improvement of Health System in the Remote Areas
  2. 研修期間 Duration    
    September 19〜October 7, 2011
  3. 言語 Language    
    英語 English
  4. 参加研修員 participants    
    グレナダ、コソボ、ザンビア、スーダン、スワジランド、ソロモン (2名)、タイ、フィリピン   (8カ国から合計9名)    Grenada, Kosovo, Philippines, Solomon Islands (2), Sudan, Swaziland, Thailand, Zambia    (Nine people from eight countries)
  5. 受入機関 Receipt Organization    
    独立行政法人国際協力機構(JICA)    Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA)
  6. 実施機関 Execution Organization    
    高知県立大学 University of Kochi

2 コース開設の背景及び目的 Background

 開発途上国においては、ミレニアム開発目標(MDGs)の内3つの指標を占める保健関連目標の達成状況が厳しい国々が多い。その主な要因として、都市部においては保健指標の改善が見られるものの、地方での保健状況が依然として課題となっていることが挙げられる。そのため、保健関連のMDGs 達成のためには、地方での保健指標を改善することが必須となる。


Many developing countries have been facing challenges to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by 2015, especially in the field of the health sector. It is observed that improving accesses and qualities of health services is inevitable to improve health indicators.

Yet, disparity of the health services has been expanding in many developing countries under the progress of decentralization. With more administrative and executive authorities, many of the local government have faced difficulties to conduct health measures due to lack of experiences and capacities. Thus, health services have been deteriorated in rural areas and capacity building of the local governments has been necessitated to improve health services.

In Japan, local governments play important roles to provide health services with authority to plan and execute health measures. In Kochi prefecture, unique approaches have been conducted to narrow the gap of health services in the rural areas, since Kochi prefecture has the 3rd largest areas with no doctors. One of unique approaches is to set up the Rural Health Support Agency, which actively designs and coordinates comprehensive rural health support projects. Also, the Rural Health Council has been launched and allocated doctors in remote areas with no doctors by maintaining close collaboration among municipalities and medical association.

The approaches to improve health services by Kochi prefecture can be helpful for the local governments of developing countries which tackle with the disparity of health services and accesses. Thus, this training course aims to strengthen capacity of the local government to plan and conduct health measure through learning approaches, mechanism, and system to provide health services in the rural areas by the local governments in Kochi prefecture.   

3 到達目標 Overall Goal

   The measures to improve community health services in the remote areas are developed and implemented.

4 研修員リスト Participants List

5 活動記録 Activity record

9月19日 September 19  
9月19日 September 19 
9月20日 September 20 
9月20日 September 20
9月21日 September 21
9月21日 September 21
9月22日 September 22
9月22日 September 22
9月23日 September 23
9月23日 September 23
9月24日 September 24
9月24日 September 24
9月25日 September 25
9月25日 September 25
9月26日 September 26
9月26日 September 26
9月27日 September 27 
9月27日 September 27 
9月28日 September 28
9月28日 September 28
9月29日 September 29
9月29日 September 29
9月30日 September 30
9月30日 September 30
10月3日 October 3
10月3日 October 3
10月4〜6日 October 4-6
10月4〜6日 October 4-6
閉講式 Closing Ceremony
10月7日 October 7