Graduate School of Nursing Policy
- Graduate School of Nursing Master’s Program
- Doctoral Program
- Cooperative Doctoral Program for Disaster Nursing
Graduate School of Nursing
The Graduate School of Nursing emphasizes respect for all human life and its dignity, always striving to provide advanced academic expertise in a broad perspective, and develops students’ academic foundation to become nursing professionals with high-level skills in diverse fields of education, research, and practice.
Graduate School of Nursing Master’s Program
Admission Policy
The Master’s Program aims to produce personnel with high-level, practical skills and research capabilities in the field of nursing by equipping students with in-depth academic knowledge on the field from various and broad viewpoints.
We seek individuals with the following qualities.
- Fundamental knowledge on nursing theory and nursing research and skills in scientific thinking
- The ability to implement nursing by drawing on expert knowledge and technology
- Their own perspectives on nursing and people, and a sense of ethics, to develop the discipline of nursing science
- The ability to understand phenomena in nursing from diverse viewpoints and to explore nursing science
- The ability to continue to improve themselves as high-level practical nurses and educators throughout their lives
- An awareness of social changes and health issues, and aspirations to innovate in health care and welfare and nursing education
Selection Policy
The examination for admission to the Master’s Program consists of (1) an English language test, (2) essay writing, (3) a written examination on the candidate’s specialized area of study, and (4) an interview. A comprehensive evaluation is made based on the following.
English: Evaluate the candidate's ability to read and understand texts written in English, and to answer questions on the presented texts.
Essay: Evaluate the candidate's basic ability to contribute to the development of nursing science and abilities (including his/her direction) as a nursing professional.
Specialized area: Evaluate the candidate's fundamental comprehension, scientific thinking ability, professional nursing capabilities (expertise and basic practical skills), and consciousness of challenges in society and health.
Interview: Evaluate the candidate's capabilities as a nursing professional, fundamental intellectual abilities, and ability to conduct research. Interviews for the Practical Leader Program make extensive use of research plans submitted at the time of the interview.
Curriculum policy
The Master’s Program includes the constituent programs of Clinical Nurse Specialist (Cns), Research Specialist, and Practical Leader, in accordance with the stated educational philosophy, in order to nurture deep academic knowledge from a broad perspective and to cultivate advanced professional practical skills and research abilities in the field of nursing. The curriculum of this program is organized as follows.
(Structure and Content)
・The Master’s Program’s curriculum is comprised of two sets of courses: Common Nursing Studies and Specialized Studies.
・The Cns Program consists of eight areas: Cancer Nursing, Chronic Care Nursing, Critical Care Nursing, Child Health Nursing, Gerontological Nursing, Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Family Health Nursing and Home Care Nursing. Classes in each are conducted through lectures, seminars, practicum, research tutorial seminars, and other courses required for eligibility to take the professional nurse certification examination.
・The Research Program consists of five areas: Adult Nursing (chronic phase), Child Health Nursing, Family Health Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Nursing Management. Classes in each area are conducted through lectures, seminars, and research tutorial seminars.
・The Practical Leader Program consists of two areas: Clinical Nursing and Public Health Nursing. Classes in each area are conducted through lectures, seminars, and research tutorial seminars.
・The Master’s Program also offers courses needed for eligibility to take the Examination for Certified Nursing Administrators, to acquire a specialized license for school nurses, and to acquire a specialized license for high school teachers of nursing.
・Students in their first year take courses from Common Nursing Studies in the Cns Program, Research Program, and Practical Leader Program in order to form an academic foundation for nursing science. In the second half of the first year through the second year, they take specialized courses in their own areas of study and courses to acquire advanced competence in practicing expertise and research in the discipline of nursing science.
・Guidance on course registration is provided to help students acquire the skills defined in the Diploma Policy and work toward their visions for the future, by suggesting coursework models for the Cns Program, Research Program, and Practical Leader Program.
・Lectures, seminars, practicum, and research guidance are provided to enable students to develop the aforementioned abilities. Methods include preview assignments, review assignments, group work, group discussions, active learning, and simulations. These aim to help students learn proactively and develop their expertise.
・As a rule, the Practical Leader Program offers courses on Saturdays and Sundays in accordance with the stipulations of the Special Provision of Article 14 of the Graduate School Establishment Standard.
・Achievement goals, criteria, and methods of evaluation for each lecture, seminar, and practicum are made known to all students by means of syllabi and practicum guides. Evaluation is conducted through self-assessment, course evaluation, and assessment by faculty members. Assessments are made at the time of students’ completion of their programs to determine whether they have attained the abilities stated in the Diploma Policy, in light of their performance on dissertations and oral presentations.
・To ensure the quality of education, assessments are conducted regarding the degree to which students have fulfilled the requirements of the Diploma Policy at the time of their completion of their respective programs, as well as the abilities they are expected to acquire, and the program’s curriculum.
Diploma Policy
The Master’s Program aims to cultivate students’ advanced professional practical skills and research abilities in the field of nursing science by equipping them with in-depth knowledge in a broad perspective.
Candidates who satisfy the following completion criteria are awarded the degree of Master of Science in Nursing.
・Students are able to conduct evidence-based, advanced nursing practice on the basis of theories of nursing science, knowledge and skills in related fields, and a high sense of ethics, by approaching individuals, families, and communities from multiple perspectives.
・Students are able to contribute to the formation and growth of communal cultures that promote good health, by collaborating with the people in the community to enable them to live their lives independently in the local community and living environment.
・Students are able to actively participate in meeting social needs and health issues, develop strategies to handle social circumstances by working jointly, with respect for the expertise of other professionals.
・Students are able to grasp phenomena in nursing, in practical nursing, education, and policy-making settings, from an interdisciplinary and research-based perspective, and are able to contribute as innovators by demonstrating logical thinking, leadership, and management abilities.
・Students are able to contribute to the pursuit and systematization of nursing science, with a clear understanding of the scientific and philosophical foundations of nursing practice and by conducting research on nursing.
・Students are able to employ a rich body of knowledge and cutting-edge information on international trends and diverse cultures to contribute to the exploration of the universality of nursing, as well as its systematization, from a global perspective.
Graduate School of Nursing Doctoral Program
Admission Policy
The Doctoral Program conducts academic and research activities in nursing science, internationally and in an interdisciplinary manner, in order to develop the academic foundation of nursing science, explore its depths, and cultivate talented personnel with the advanced professional ability to conduct creative and independent research activities.
The Doctoral Program, therefore, seeks individuals with the following qualities.
・A rich humanity, a sense of ethics, and the ability to explore people's health and society
・An interest in challenges related to nursing, a profound knowledge in specialized fields of nursing studies, and flexible and creative thinking skills
・An interest in challenges related to nursing science and the ability to conduct research
activities to solve such challenges
・Aspirations to explore the universality of nursing science to become researchers and/or educators in higher education to contribute to the development of the discipline
・Aspirations to contribute to society through nursing research and nursing education from an international and interdisciplinary point of view
Selection Policy
The examination for admission to the Doctoral Program consists of a written portion (English language testing and essay writing), an oral portion, and submittal of a research plan, which are used to make a comprehensive evaluation of the following abilities.
English: Evaluate the candidate's ability to read and understand the content of text written in English and answer questions based on the text.
Essay: Evaluate the candidate's ability to contribute to development of the academic foundation of nursing science and research, (including his/her direction in nursing), logical thinking ability, abstract thinking ability, analytical ability, and originality.
Specialized area: Evaluate the candidate's expertise in nursing studies and abilities needed to conduct research activities.
Interview: Evaluate the candidate’s knowledge on the research subject his/her research plan, as well as its significance, purpose, methodology, and documentation.
Curriculum Policy
The Doctoral Program promotes scholarship and research on nursing in an international and interdisciplinary manner to enable students to form their academic foundation in nursing science, explore the depths of the discipline, and cultivate their professional ability to conduct research activities independently and creatively. In accordance with the program’s educational philosophy, the curriculum of this program has been organized as follows.
(Structure and content)
・The curriculum consists of three sets of courses: Common Studies, Specialized Studies, and Research Tutorial Seminars.
・The areas of study that constitute the curriculum are: Cancer Nursing, Adult Nursing, Child Health Nursing, Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing, Family Health Nursing, Community Health Nursing, Nursing Pathophysiology, and Nursing Management.
・The objective of Common Studies is to develop students' advanced scientific capabilities by solidifying his/her academic foundation in nursing.
・The objective of Specialized Studies is for students to accumulate, select, and expand new expert knowledge, and thereby refine their expertise in specific areas of nursing studies.
・Tutorials help students to explore research subjects and support the process of writing a doctoral dissertation in a step-by-step manner.
・Students enroll in courses from Common Studies and Specialized Studies in accordance with their areas of specialization. The courses are organized such that they allow students to continue taking the Research Tutorial Seminar in Nursing for a period of three years.
・In the process for submitting a doctoral dissertation, students design a research plan in their first year, followed by an interim reporting session in their second year, then submission of a paper for the first review in their third year.
・To enable students to acquire the abilities defined in the Diploma Policy, guidance on course registration is provided in accordance with the coursework model to support the process of coursework, guidance on writing a dissertation, and the dissertation defense.
・To increase students' research abilities, each student is assigned a main advisor and a secondary advisor who provide guidance on writing a doctoral dissertation under a multiple advisor system.
・Achievement goals, grading criteria, and methods aligned with the Doctoral Program Diploma Policy are made known to students. These include students' own self-evaluation, course evaluation, and assessment by faculty. Final assessment is made in accordance with the items stipulated in the Diploma Policy, which define the competence students need to attain.
・The main and secondary advisors conduct the research plan review, ethics review, interim report meeting, and dissertation defense, then the Academic Degree Examination Committee reviews the dissertation in accordance with the Doctoral Dissertation Examination Criteria.
Diploma Policy
The doctoral program aims to cultivate the advanced professional ability to promote scholarship and research on nursing in an international and interdisciplinary manner in order to develop the academic foundation of nursing, investigates its depths, and conduct research activities independently and creatively.
Candidates who satisfy the following completion criteria are awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing.
・The ability to fulfill the responsibilities of an expert in nursing and pursue a universal philosophy of nursing which provides a foundation for the development of nursing science
・The ability to conduct research and development of global-standard knowledge and technology in nursing, and bring forth innovation in nursing, to further advance the academic foundation of nursing science
・The ability to use cutting-edge knowledge and technology related to nursing, as well as insight in related fields, on an ethical and cultural foundation, to help people achieve secure lives and improve their quality of life by engaging themselves in efforts to develop forms of care that will contribute to people and society
・The ability to conduct research activities aimed at advancing the discipline of nursing, gain new insights, and present the findings to the world
・The ability to collaborate with professionals in Japan and overseas, participate in policy development and decision-making, and build and reform health care and welfare systems
・The ability to engage as educators in higher education in producing advanced practical nurses for the next generation who, on a scientific and interdisciplinary foundation, strive to build people's healthy lives and health culture
Cooperative Doctoral Program for Disaster Nursing
Admission Policy
The principal aim of the Admission Policy is to offer admissions to individuals with the following qualities.
・Have a vision as global leaders in disaster nursing
・Participate in various activities and develop the necessary competence as global leaders in disaster nursing
Curriculum Policy
The program aims to nurture disaster nursing global leaders with an enriched and advanced level of nursing expertise and foster research on the basis of interdisciplinary, international, and global perspectives. It especially aims to nurture disaster nursing global leaders who possess an in-depth understanding of disaster nursing and can contribute to the development of human safety and security. Based on these educational objectives, the following curriculum has been organized.
・The curriculum is composed of six categories. : Course on the Academic Foundations of Nursing, Interdisciplinary Courses Required for Global Leaders, Course Relation to Disaster Nursing aims to develop students’ academic knowledge in disaster nursing, Disaster Nursing Seminars and Disaster Nursing Practicum, Research Support Courses Related to Disaster Nursing. The last two categories aim to acquire professional knowledge in research and practice as well as functions and roles as global leaders in the field of disaster nursing.
・In order to encourage students’autonomous learning with their interests and research questions to acquire global leadership ability, Independent Study is included in Disaster Nursing Seminar and Disaster Nursing Practicum.
・Affiliated graduate schools, including t Graduate School of Nursing, University of Kochi; Graduate School of Nursing Art and Science, University of Hyogo; Graduate School of Nursing, Chiba University; Graduate School of Health Care Sciences; Tokyo Medical and Dental University, and Graduate School of Nursing, Japan Red Cross College of Nursing provide students with necessary subjects in order for them to obtain 10 credits or more from each school.
・Preliminary Examination and Qualifying Examination take place in the middle of courses to evaluate students’ achievement.
・With integrated knowledge of theories, advanced nursing practices and research in disaster nursing under the system of supervision by faculty members in the affiliated graduate school, this program designs curriculum in order for students to complete and submit a doctoral dissertation.
Diploma Policy
The completion criteria stipulate that students need to acquire 50 or more credits from coursework and pass a dissertation defense and final examination. The final examination consists of a comprehensive assessment of the abilities required to meet the educational objectives of the program. Candidates who satisfy the following completion criteria are awarded the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing (Disaster Nursing Global Leader).
・The ability to provide support under any disaster situation to ensure the principles of human security : to promote healthy life based on being oneself.
・The ability to suggest policy proposals for healthy living in various phases of the disaster cycle
・The ability to make efforts toward realizing a safe and secure society from a global perspective and build collaboration among the industry, academia and government sectors in order to revolutionize institutions and systems.
・The ability to enforce disaster nursing studies from interdisciplinary and international perspectives, as well as conduct research and develop disaster studies.