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【University of Kochi】Disaster health preparedness activity in Tanggamus-regency, Indonesia(2018年8月6日-29日)

ページID:0014471 更新日:2018年8月29日更新 印刷ページ表示
Disaster health preparedness activity in Tanggamus-regency, Indonesia

The increasing frequency of natural disaster requiring nurses to adequately engage in disaster preparedness activity, especially to reduce health risk. This action is in line with global agenda, the Sendai Framework Disaster Risk Reduction that underlining the vital role of health sectors in reducing disaster health risk. To respond on this agenda, the student of DNGL program at University of Kochi, Yudi Ariesta Chandra, conducting disaster-health preparedness activity in Tanjung Agung village, Tanggamus regency, Lampung Indonesia.

Tanjung Agung village is located at rural coastal area on Tanggamus regency in Lampung province, Indonesia. This village is prone to rob disaster which occurred almost every year. In 2015, almost all areas covered by rob disaster with 1-3 meter in high of water. Besides that, due to located on the Sesar-smaco and Sunda Megathrust earth plate, and close to the Krakatoa volcano with eruption history which caused a terrible tsunami history on 1883, this village is also prone to earthquake and tsunami. The preparedness activity aimed to identify the needs and health conditions of community people in preparing for expected disaster, and to provide appropriate community nursing care through home visit and community health education.

Collaborated with Tanggamus Red Cross, the student has conducted assessment and community education for 12 days. The assessment was divided into two activities, windshield survey and home visit. Windshield survey performed to observe disaster health risk, disaster hazard, and existing capacities of community people, and to determine further investigation needed during family assessment. Family assessment was done to grab more factual condition of community people regarding on disaster related issues, including health problem, health resource, and existing capacities of families in maintaining health both in disaster and non-disaster period. Based on the assessment result, community educations for disaster health preparedness and tsunami preparedness were conducted. Community educations aimed to improve knowledge of awareness for clean and healthy behavior of villagers, knowledge of tsunami, and disaster preparedness on health issue.    

Disaster health preparedness activity in Tanggamus-regency, Indonesia
Disaster health preparedness activity in Tanggamus-regency, Indonesia